A brain injury can cause changes in the way a person thinks, feels and behaves and can also affect their physical ability. Seeing someone you care about with a brain injury can be overwhelming and stressful and you might not know how you can help them. In this blog post, we share 6 tips on how you can support someone with a brain injury.
1. Become Educated on the Brain Injury
It helps to do research about what type of brain injury they have, so you can understand their symptoms and can become more prepared on how to help them. You could also speak to your family member about their brain injury, asking what can help them.
2. Have Patience.
It is important to be patient and calm with someone who has a brain injury. Remember, it is not their fault if they are struggling with doing something. You could offer your assistance or ask them how you can help.
3. Offer Practical Support.
They may need help with the groceries or may need transport in getting to a place.
4. Help Them Get Organised.
People with brain injuries can be forgetful, therefore you could help them set up a calendar or help them use their phone to set reminders and dates.
5. Encourage them to Seek Professional Help if They Need it.
People with a brain injury are at a higher risk of developing depression. If you suspect they are suffering from depression, you could suggest they see a therapist. Also remind them they are not alone, and you care about them.
6. Get Them Out of The House.
A person with a brain injury may be tempted to stay inside as it easier. However, studies have shown a few hours outside of the house can help improve their well-being. Somewhere quiet may be a good idea to take them so they do not feel overwhelmed. For example, a small café or restaurant or going for a walk.
We hope these tips have been helpful.